19 February, 2011

Hmm, been lazy lately, here's a post to make up for it.

Yeah, I haven't made a post in the past couple of days, so I thought it would be a pretty ballin' idea to do so.

Anyways, Uni is at a time where I think it's getting easier, but I know this is just the eye of the storm. My classes don't have anything due for a few days which gives me time to work on stuff, and I have all of tomorrow to work on any unfinished business.

Work has been work. I work as a QA tester for EA, so it's not the hardest of jobs. Most people there are pretty cool, and we end up having absurd nicknames for each other. One of my best mates works there and they've given him the nickname Babyteeth. Another dude has gotten the nickname Batman - mostly because he's witty....um, we attribute that to his excellent detective skills! (Yeah..now it makes more sense.)

I have yet to receive a nickname there, but there's been a couple of forced nicknames that haven't really panned out.

Which leads me to my next point - I am un-nicknamable. Yep. You heard it here, folks. I cannot be given a nickname. Ian isn't my real name, but my alias I give to people. But, that doesn't count as a nickname.

Do you guys have a nickname?


  1. no...can't tell if it would be a good thing or bad thing

  2. I have a quite a bit from a lot of people. Mainly it's a variation on my name.

  3. I know Uni as eel from sushi restaurants. :)

  4. Dude, you work for EA? Thats pretty cool man.

  5. yes! alot of people call me ASSHOLE

  6. Haha everyone can be given a nickname!

  7. My nickname for online games is kayiaa.
    Dunno where i got it from :P

  8. Don't take it for granted. School will catch up with you.

  9. I have never gotten a nickname that stuck. mostly cause i dotn respond to them i think.

  10. My name is M _ _ _ _ _

    My little bro dubbed me Tato

    My college friends call me Moose

    why? because. What's your name? we shall nickname you >:3
