17 February, 2011

In this post - I will say all the Spanish I know and attempt to make sentences. Oh, and my thoughts on art classes.


Yo soy el presidente de los estadio unidos. Que el hora este hombre del burro? Si, ahora las senoritas y garcon. Oye, este francais, no este espanol. Si, tu correctemundo. No este chingando. Pero, tu madre este chigande puta. Gracias.

As for art classes, I really hate them. I'm an art major, and the thing I hate most is people telling me how to draw. Because I don't draw like them. I never will. For some reason they think that their way of drawing is the only way. Strange how I've managed to make it this far without their help, huh?

Besides, traditional drawing is not going to be as useful to me when I become an animator/modeller. And I won't ever use charcoal. That stuff is garbage. I hate charcoal.


  1. You are the president of the united stadiums.


  2. Three years of spanish in highschool. I can remember about that much. Tax dollars at work woohoo!

  3. You should use charcoal more, its always good to be the best at stuff you hate. ;)

  4. Being Canadian I was only required to take FRENCH.... I remember "Poutine" and "Tabaurnack" and that's about it!

  5. Well, if you are talking about anatomy I think is the same for everyone.
    ...And I am a native spanish speaker and I hope I don't sound like that when I try to speak or write in English.

  6. I also hate charcoal. I can't even begin to fathom how much I hate it.

  7. Anatomy as far as measuring is the same. But everyone has their own styles. The problem is, art teachers feel like their style is the only one that matters. I tend to piss off my art teachers cause I never use any measuring when drawing. They bitch at me, but when I tell them it's right, they measure it for themselves and realise that I got it right without measuring. Then they like to diss something I've done in order to save face.

    Oh, and what did I say in Spanish? I seriously don't know how that came out.

  8. Google translates this as:


    I am the president of the stadium together. That the hours this man's ass? Yes, ladies and garcon now. Hey, this francais, is not Spanish. Yes, you correctemundo. Not this fucking. But your mother is a whore chigande. Thanks."

    That the hours this man's ass? LOL, very nice. Have fun in art class, I've used charcoal before and yeah it really does suck.

  9. Yo soy el presidente de los estadio unidos. Que el hora este hombre del burro? Si, ahora las senoritas y garcon. Oye, este francais, no este espanol. Si, tu correctemundo. No este chingando. Pero, tu madre este chigande puta. Gracias.

    I am the president of the united stadiums. What the hour this man of the donkey? Yes, now the ladies and garcon(thats french, buddeh). Hey, this fraincais, not this spanish. Yes you correctemundo. Dont be fucking. But, your mother is a fucking whore. Thankyou.

    (translation there ^_^ )
